Haryana is a state located in North India. It was created out of Punjab on the basis of language. Nowadays, Haryana is contributing alot to the total production of foodgrains etc as Agriculture has now become their leading occupation. It is also termed as one of the wealthiest state of India as they have second highest per capita income. Haryana is the hub of Information Technology like Gurgaon has many large automobile companies and same is with other cities which are also industrial hubs.

The people of Haryana preserved their own religions and cultures or traditions. They celebrate almost same festivals which are celebrated in Punjab as Haryana was part of Punjab only. The festivals are celebrated with great enthusiasm and excitement here. If we talk about their eating habits there is an ediom that says "Hara- Bhara Haryana, Jit Dhoodh- Dahi Ka Khaana"( which means a lush green state where milk and curd are the food). the food and other cuisines are almost similar to Punjab like sarso da saag, makki di roti, lassi etc.

The famous Yoga guru Ramdev is from Haryana only. And haryana is a socially conservative state as they murder the boy or girl who tries to marry the person of different caste. This is a serious issue here because on one can live their life freely here as they are always bounded by the rules and regulations of elders which are ought to be followed. People over here mostly speak Haryanavi which is sometimes difficult to understand for the people who listen it for the first time.
But it can se said that this state has so much good that one must visit once and try to experience atleast the new technology that can be seen in Gurgaon.
The Blogger
Shubra Chawla